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Home > > Nasdaq 5800 Series
5800. Failure to Meet Listing Standards
5801. Preamble to the Rules and Procedures Applicable When a Company Fails to Meet a Listing Standard

Securities of a Company that does not meet the listing standards set forth in the Rule 5000 Series are subject to delisting from, or denial of initial listing on The Nasdaq Stock Market. This Section sets forth procedures for the independent review, suspension, and delisting of Companies that fail to satisfy one or more standards for initial or continued listing, and thus are "deficient" with respect to the listing standards.

The Listings Qualifications Department is responsible for identifying deficiencies that may lead to delisting or denial of a listing application; notifying the Company of the deficiency or denial; and issuing Staff Delisting Determinations and Public Reprimand Letters. Rule 5810 contains provisions regarding the Listing Qualifications Department's process for notifying Companies of different types of deficiencies and their corresponding consequences.

The Hearings Panel, upon timely request by a Company, will review a Staff Delisting Determination, denial of a listing application, or Public Reprimand Letter at an oral or written hearing, and issue a Decision that may, among other things, grant an "exception" to Nasdaq's listing standards or affirm a delisting. Rule 5815 contains provisions relating to the hearings process.

The Nasdaq Listing and Hearings Review Council, upon timely appeal by a Company or on its own initiative, may review the Decisions of the Hearings Panel. Rule 5820 contains provisions relating to the Listing Council appeal process.

Finally, the Nasdaq Board of Directors may exercise discretion to call for review a Listing Council Decision. Rule 5825 contains provisions related to that process.

Procedures related to SEC notification of Nasdaq's final Delisting Determinations are discussed in Rule 5830. Rules applicable to Adjudicators and Advisors are provided in Rule 5835 and general information relating to the adjudicatory process is provided in Rule 5840.

A Company's failure to maintain compliance with the applicable provisions of the Rule 5000 Series will result in the termination of the listing unless an exception is granted to the Company, as described below. The termination of the Company's listing will become effective in accordance with the procedures set forth herein, including Rule 5830.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended by June 16, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-052); amended Oct. 18, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-111).

5805. Definitions

(a) "Adjudicatory Body" or "Adjudicator" means the Hearings Panel, the Listing Council, or the Nasdaq Board, or a member thereof.

(b) "Advisor" means an individual employed by Nasdaq who is advising an Adjudicatory Body with respect to a proceeding under this section.

(c) "Hearings Department" means the Hearings Department of the Nasdaq Office of General Counsel.

(d) The "Hearings Panel" is an independent panel made up of at least two persons who are not employees or otherwise affiliated with Nasdaq or its affiliates, and who have been authorized by the Nasdaq Board of Directors.

(e) "Listing Council" means the Nasdaq Listing and Hearing Review Council.

(f) The "Listing Qualifications Department" is the department of Nasdaq responsible for evaluating Company compliance with quantitative and qualitative listing standards and determining eligibility for initial and continued listing of a Company's securities.

(g) "Staff" refers to employees of the Listing Qualifications Department.

(h) "Staff Delisting Determination" or "Delisting Determination" is a written determination by the Listing Qualifications Department to delist a listed Company's securities for failure to meet a continued listing standard.

(i) "Decision" means a written decision of an Adjudicatory Body.

(j) "Public Reprimand Letter" means a letter issued by Staff or a Decision of an Adjudicatory Body in cases where the Company has violated a Nasdaq corporate governance or notification listing standard (other than one required by Rule 10A-3 or Rule 10D-1 under the Act) and Staff or the Adjudicatory Body determines that delisting is an inappropriate sanction. In determining whether to issue a Public Reprimand Letter, Staff or the Adjudicatory Body will consider whether the violation was inadvertent, whether the violation materially adversely affected shareholders' interests, whether the violation has been cured, whether the Company reasonably relied on an independent advisor and whether the Company has demonstrated a pattern of violations.

(k) "Office of Appeals and Review" means the Office of Appeals and Review of the Nasdaq Office of General Counsel.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended Oct. 2, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-005).

5810. Notification of Deficiency by the Listing Qualifications Department

When the Listing Qualifications Department determines that a Company does not meet a listing standard set forth in the Rule 5000 Series, it will immediately notify the Company of the deficiency. As explained in more detail below, deficiency notifications are of four types:

(1) Staff Delisting Determinations, which are notifications of deficiencies that, unless appealed, subject the Company to immediate suspension and delisting;

(2) notifications of deficiencies for which a Company may submit a plan of compliance for staff review;

(3) notifications of deficiencies for which a Company is entitled to an automatic cure or compliance period; and

(4) Public Reprimand Letters, except such notification type is not available for unresolved deficiencies from the standards of Rules 5250(c)Obligation to File Periodic Financial Reports, 5615(a)(4)(D) Partner Meetings of Limited Partnerships and 5620(a) Meetings of Shareholders.

Notifications of deficiencies that allow for submission of a compliance plan or an automatic cure or compliance period may result, after review of the compliance plan or expiration of the cure or compliance period, in issuance of a Staff Delisting Determination or a Public Reprimand Letter.

(a) Information Contained in Deficiency Notification and Delisting Determination

Deficiency notifications and Delisting Determinations will:

(1) inform the Company of the factual bases for Staff's determination of deficiency or delisting, and the quantitative or qualitative standard the Company has failed to satisfy;

(2) provide the Company with instructions regarding its obligations to disclose the deficiency under Nasdaq Listing Rules; and

(3) inform the Company:

(A) in the case of a Staff Delisting Determination, that the Company's securities will be suspended as of a date certain; the Company has a right to request review of the Delisting Determination by a Hearings Panel; and that a request for review within seven days (as set forth in Rule 5815(a)(1)) will stay the suspension;

(B) in the case of a deficiency for which the Company may submit a plan of compliance for review by Staff, the deadline by which a plan must be submitted;

(C) in the case of a deficiency for which the Company is entitled to an automatic cure or compliance period, the expiration date of the cure or compliance period; and

(D) in the case of a Public Reprimand Letter, an explanation of why Staff concluded the letter is appropriate and the Company's right to request review of the Letter by a Hearings Panel.

(b) Company Disclosure Obligations

A Company that receives a notification of deficiency, Staff Delisting Determination, or Public Reprimand Letter is required to make a public announcement disclosing receipt of the notification and the Rule(s) upon which the deficiency is based, and describing each specific basis and concern identified by Nasdaq in reaching its determination that the Company does not meet the listing standard. If the deficiency or Staff Delisting Determination relates to the requirement to file a periodic report contained in Rule 5250(c)(1) or (2), the Company is required to make the public announcement by issuing a press release, in addition to filing any Form 8-K required by SEC rules. In all other cases, the Company may make the public announcement either by filing a Form 8-K, where required by SEC rules, or by issuing a press release. Additional information about this disclosure obligation is provided in IM-5810-1.

As described in Rule 5250(b)(1) and IM-5250-1, the Company must notify Nasdaq's MarketWatch Department about the announcement through the electronic disclosure submission system available at, except in emergency situations when notification may instead be provided by telephone or facsimile. If the public announcement is made during Nasdaq market hours, the Company must notify MarketWatch at least ten minutes prior to the announcement. If the public announcement is made outside of Nasdaq market hours, the Company must notify MarketWatch of the announcement prior to 6:50 a.m. ET. The Company should make the public announcement as promptly as possible but not more than four business days following receipt of the notification.

IM-5810-1. Disclosure of Written Notice of Staff Determination

Rule 5810(b) requires that a Company make a public announcement by filing a Form 8-K, where required by SEC rules, or by issuing a press release disclosing the receipt of (i) a notice that the Company does not meet a listing standard set forth in the Rule 5000 Series, (ii) a Staff Delisting Determination to limit or prohibit continued listing of the Company's securities under Rule 5810 as a result of the Company's failure to comply with the continued listing requirements, or (iii) a Public Reprimand Letter; provided, however, that if the notification relates to a failure to meet the requirements of Rules 5250(c)(1) or (2), the Company must make the public announcement by issuing a press release. Such public announcement shall be made as promptly as possible, but not more than four business days following the receipt of the notification, Staff Delisting Determination, or Public Reprimand Letter, as applicable. In addition to containing all disclosure required by Form 8-K, if applicable, the public announcement must describe each specific basis and concern identified by Nasdaq in its determination that the Company does not meet the listing standard and identify the Rules upon which the deficiency is based. For example, if the Listing Qualifications Department determines to delist a Company based on its discretionary authority under Rule 5101, the Company must include in its public announcement the specific concerns cited in the Staff Delisting Determination. In addition, a Company may provide its own analysis of the issues raised in the Staff Delisting Determination.

If the public announcement is not made by the Company within the time allotted or does not include all of the required information, trading of its securities shall be halted (if not already halted), even if the Company appeals the Staff Delisting Determination or Public Reprimand Letter as set forth in Rule 5815, and Nasdaq may make a public announcement with the required information. If the company's failure to make this public announcement is the only basis for a trading halt, Nasdaq would ordinarily resume trading if Nasdaq makes the public announcement. If the Company fails to make the public announcement by the time that the Hearings Panel issues its Decision, that Decision will also determine whether to delist the Company's securities for failure to make the public announcement.

Rule 5810(b) does not relieve a Company of its disclosure obligation under the federal securities laws, nor should it be construed as providing a safe harbor under the federal securities laws. It is suggested that the Company consult with corporate/securities counsel in assessing its disclosure obligations under the federal securities laws.

Adopted by SR-NASDAQ-2009-018 eff. March 12, 2009; amended Mar. 15, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-006); amended Dec. 3, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-118).

(c) Types of Deficiencies and Notifications

The type of deficiency at issue determines whether the Company will be immediately suspended and delisted, or whether it may submit a compliance plan for review or is entitled to an automatic cure or compliance period before a Staff Delisting Determination is issued. In the case of a deficiency not specified below, Staff will issue the Company a Staff Delisting Determination or a Public Reprimand Letter.

(1) Deficiencies that Immediately Result in a Staff Delisting Determination

Staff's notice will inform the Company that its securities are immediately subject to suspension and delisting when:

• a Company fails to timely solicit proxies;

• an Equity Investment Tracking Stock fails to comply with the additional continued listing requirements in Rule 5222(c) or a Staff Delisting Determination has been issued with respect to the security such Equity Investment Tracking Stock tracks;

• the common stock of the REIT in a Paired Share Unit listed under Rule 5226 becomes separately tradable from the common stock of the Parent;

• An issuer of non-convertible bonds listed on Nasdaq fails to meet its obligations on the non-convertible bonds, as set forth in Rule 5702(b)(2);

• a Subscription Receipt listed under Rule 5520 fails to comply with the continued listing requirements in Rule 5565 or a Staff Delisting Determination has been issued with respect to the security such Subscription Receipt is exchangeable for;

• a security fails to meet the continued listing requirement for minimum bid price and is not eligible to receive a compliance period as described under Rule 5810(c)(3)(A)(iii) or (iv);

• a security of a Company whose business plan is to complete one or more acquisitions, as described in Rule IM-5101-2, that : (i) fails to comply with one or more of the requirements set forth in Rule IM-5101-2, including, without limitation, a failure to complete one or more business combinations satisfying the requirements set forth in Rule IM-5101-2(b) within 36 months of the effectiveness of its IPO registration statement or a failure to meet the requirements for initial listing following a business combination as described in Rule IM-5101-2(d) and (e); or (ii) in the case of a Company that qualified for listing pursuant to the alternative initial listing requirements in Rule 5406 fails to meet the continued listing requirement in Rules 5452(a)(1) and (3); or

• Staff has determined, under its discretionary authority in the Rule 5100 Series, that the Company's continued listing raises a public interest concern.

(2) Deficiencies for which a Company may Submit a Plan of Compliance for Staff Review

(A) Unless the Company is currently under review by an Adjudicatory Body for a Staff Delisting Determination, the Listing Qualifications Department may accept and review a plan to regain compliance when a Company is deficient with respect to one of the standards listed in subsections (i) through (vi) below. In accordance with Rule 5810(c)(2)(C), plans provided pursuant to subsections (i) through (iv) and (vi) below must be provided generally within 45 calendar days, and in accordance with Rule 5810(c)(2)(F), plans provided pursuant to subsection (v) must be provided generally within 60 calendar days. If a Company's plan consists of transferring from the Nasdaq Global or Global Select Market to the Nasdaq Capital Market, the Company should submit its application and the applicable application fee at the same time as its plan to regain compliance.

(i) all quantitative deficiencies from standards that do not provide a compliance period;

(ii) deficiencies from the standards of Rules 5605 Board of Directors and Committees or 5615(a)(4)(C) Independent Directors/Audit Committee of Limited Partnerships where the cure period of the Rule is not applicable;

(iii) deficiencies from the standards of Rules 5620(a) Meetings of Shareholders, 5620(c) Quorum, 5630 Review of Related Party Transactions, 5635 Shareholder Approval, 5250(c)(3) Auditor Registration, 5255(a) Direct Registration Program, 5608 Recovery of Erroneously Awarded Compensation, 5610 Code of Conduct, 5615(a)(4)(D) Partner Meetings of Limited Partnerships, 5615(a)(4)(E) Quorum of Limited Partnerships, 5615(a)(4)(G) Related Party Transactions of Limited Partnerships, or 5640 Voting Rights; or

(iv) failure to make the disclosure required by Rule 5250(b)(3) Disclosure of Third Party Director and Nominee Compensation or Rule 5606 Board Diversity Disclosure;

(v) failure to file periodic reports as required by Rules 5250(c)(1) or (2); or

(vi) failure to meet a continued listing requirement contained in the Rule 5700 Series.

IM-5810-2. Staff Review of Deficiencies

As provided in Rule 5810(c)(2)(A)(i), the Staff may accept a plan to regain compliance with respect to quantitative deficiencies from standards that do not themselves provide a compliance period. Such standards include:

Rules 5550(b)(1) Stockholders' Equity and 5550(b)(3) Net Income from Continuing Operations

Rule 5550(a)(3) Public Holders

Rule 5550(a)(4) Publicly Held Shares

Rules 5350(b)(1)(B) Publicly Held Shares, 5450(b)(1)(A) Stockholders' Equity, and 5450(a)(2) Total Holders

Rules 5450(b)(3)(A) Total Assets/Total Revenue, 5450(b)(2)(B) Publicly Held Shares, and 5450(a)(2) Total Holders, and

Rules 5460(a)(1) Publicly Held Shares and 5460(a)(4) Public Holders.

Adopted by SR-NASDAQ-2009-018 eff. March 12, 2009; amended Oct. 2, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-005).

(B) Staff Alternatives Upon Review of Plan

Staff may request such additional information from the Company as is necessary to make a determination, as described below. In cases other than filing delinquencies and annual meeting deficiencies, which are governed by Rules 5810(c)(2)(F) and 5810(c)(2)(G), respectively, upon review of a plan of compliance, Staff may either:

(i) grant an extension of time to regain compliance not greater than 180 calendar days from the date of Staff's initial notification, unless the Company is currently under review by an Adjudicatory Body for a Staff Delisting Determination. If Staff grants an extension, it will inform the Company in writing of the basis for granting the extension and the terms of the extension;

(ii) issue a Staff Delisting Determination letter that includes a description of the basis for denying the extension; or

(iii) issue a Public Reprimand Letter, as defined in Rule 5805(j).

(C) Timeline for Submission of Compliance Plans

Except for deficiencies from the standards of Rule 5250(c)(1) or (2), Staff's notification of deficiencies that allow for compliance plan review will inform the Company that it has 45 calendar days to submit a plan to regain compliance with Nasdaq's listing standard(s). Staff may extend this deadline for up to an additional 5 calendar days upon good cause shown and may request such additional information from the Company as is necessary to make a determination regarding whether to grant such an extension.

(D) Restrictions on Compliance Plans for Certain Deficiencies

Staff will not accept a plan to achieve compliance with deficiencies in net income from continuing operations or total assets and total revenue, since compliance requires stated levels of net income or assets and revenues during completed fiscal years and therefore can only be demonstrated through audited financial statements. Similarly, a Company may not submit a plan relying on partial-year performance to demonstrate compliance with these standards. A Company may, however, submit a plan that demonstrates current or near-term compliance with the listing requirement relating to stockholders' equity or Market Value of Listed Securities.

(E) Failure to Meet the Terms of a Staff Extension

If the Company does not regain compliance within the time period provided by all applicable Staff extensions, Staff will immediately issue a Staff Delisting Determination indicating the date on which the Company's securities will be suspended unless it requests review by a Hearings Panel.

(F) Filing Delinquencies

In the case of deficiencies from the standards of Rule 5250(c)(1) or (2):

(i) Staff's notice shall provide the Company with 60 calendar days to submit a plan to regain compliance with the listing standard; provided, however, that the Company shall not be provided with an opportunity to submit such a plan if review under the Rule 5800 Series of a prior Staff Delisting Determination with respect to the Company is already pending. Staff may extend this deadline for up to an additional 15 calendar days upon good cause shown and may request such additional information from the Company as is necessary to make a determination regarding whether to grant such an extension.

(ii) The maximum additional time provided by all exceptions granted by Staff for a deficiency described in paragraph (i) above is 180 calendar days from the due date of the first late periodic report (as extended by Rule 12b-25 under the Act, if applicable). In determining whether to grant an exception, and the length of any such exception, Staff will consider, and the Company should address in its plan of compliance, the Company's specific circumstances, including the likelihood that the filing can be made within the exception period, the Company's past compliance history, the reasons for the late filing, corporate events that may occur within the exception period, the Company's general financial status, and the Company's disclosures to the market. This review will be based on information provided by a variety of sources, which may include the Company, its audit committee, its outside auditors, the staff of the SEC and any other regulatory body.

(G) Annual Meeting

In the case of deficiencies from the standards of Rules 5620(a) and 5615(a)(4)(D):

(i) Staff's notice shall provide the Company with 45 calendar days to submit a plan to regain compliance with the listing standard; provided, however, that the Company shall not be provided with an opportunity to submit such a plan if review under the Rule 5800 Series of a prior Staff Delisting Determination with respect to the Company is already pending. Staff may extend this deadline for up to an additional 15 calendar days upon good cause shown and may request such additional information from the Company as is necessary to make a determination regarding whether to grant such an extension.

(ii) The maximum additional time provided by all exceptions granted by Staff is 180 calendar days from the deadline to hold the annual meeting (one year after the end of the Company's fiscal year). In determining whether to grant an exception, and the length of any such exception, Staff will consider, and the Company should address in its plan of compliance, the Company's specific circumstances, including the likelihood that the Company would be able to hold an annual meeting within the exception period, the Company's past compliance history, the reasons for the failure to hold the annual meeting timely, corporate events that may occur within the exception period, the Company's general financial status, and the Company's disclosures to the market. This review will be based on information provided by a variety of sources, which may include the Company, its audit committee, its outside auditors, the staff of the SEC and any other regulatory body.

(3) Deficiencies for which the Rules Provide a Specified Cure or Compliance Period

With respect to deficiencies related to the standards listed in (A) - (F) below, Staff's notification will inform the Company of the applicable cure or compliance period provided by these Rules and discussed below. If the Company does not regain compliance within the specified cure or compliance period, the Listing Qualifications Department will immediately issue a Staff Delisting Determination letter.

(A) Bid Price

A failure to meet the continued listing requirement for minimum bid price shall be determined to exist only if the deficiency continues for a period of 30 consecutive business days. Upon such failure, the Company shall be notified promptly and shall have a period of 180 calendar days from such notification to achieve compliance. Compliance can be achieved during any compliance period by meeting the applicable standard for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days during the applicable compliance period, unless Staff exercises its discretion to extend this 10 day period as discussed in Rule 5810(c)(3)(H).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Company will not be considered to have regained compliance with the bid price requirement if the Company takes an action to achieve compliance and that action results in the Company’s security falling below the numeric threshold for another listing requirement without regard to any compliance periods otherwise available for that other listing requirement. In such event, the Company will continue to be considered non-compliant until both: (i) the other deficiency is cured and (ii) thereafter the Company meets the bid price standard for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days, unless Staff exercises its discretion to extend this 10 day period as discussed in Rule 5810(c)(3)(H).  If the Company does not demonstrate compliance with (i) and (ii) during the compliance period(s) applicable to the initial bid price deficiency, Nasdaq will issue a Staff Delisting Determination Letter.

(i) Global Select Market and Global Market

If a Company listed on The Nasdaq Global Market has not been deemed in compliance prior to the expiration of the 180 day compliance period, it may transfer to The Nasdaq Capital Market, provided that it meets the applicable market value of publicly held shares requirement for continued listing and all other applicable requirements for initial listing on the Capital Market (except for the bid price requirement) based on the Company's most recent public filings and market information and notifies Nasdaq of its intent to cure this deficiency. Following a transfer to The Nasdaq Capital Market, the Company will be afforded the remainder of the applicable compliance period set forth in Rule 5810(c)(3)(A)(ii), unless it does not appear to Nasdaq that it is possible for the Company to cure the deficiency. The Company may also request a hearing to remain on The Nasdaq Global Market pursuant to the Rule 5800 Series. Any time spent in the hearing process will not extend the length of the remaining applicable compliance periods on The Nasdaq Capital Market afforded by this rule.

(ii) Capital Market

If a Company listed on the Capital Market is not deemed in compliance before the expiration of the 180 day compliance period, it will be afforded an additional 180 day compliance period, provided that on the 180th day of the first compliance period it meets the applicable market value of publicly held shares requirement for continued listing and all other applicable standards for initial listing on the Capital Market (except the bid price requirement) based on the Company's most recent public filings and market information and notifies Nasdaq of its intent to cure this deficiency. If a Company does not indicate its intent to cure the deficiency, or if it does not appear to Nasdaq that it is possible for the Company to cure the deficiency, the Company will not be eligible for the second grace period. If the Company has publicly announced information (e.g., in an earnings release) indicating that it no longer satisfies the applicable listing criteria, it shall not be eligible for the additional compliance period under this rule.

(iii) Low Priced Stocks

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if during any compliance period specified in this Rule 5810(c)(3)(A) a Company’s security has a closing bid price of $0.10 or less for ten consecutive trading days, the Listing Qualifications Department shall issue a Staff Delisting Determination under Rule 5810 with respect to that security.

(iv) Excessive Reverse Stock Splits

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Company’s security fails to meet the continued listing requirement for minimum bid price and the Company has effected one or more reverse stock splits over the prior two-year period with a cumulative ratio of 250 shares or more to one, then the Company shall not be eligible for any compliance period specified in this Rule 5810(c)(3)(A) and the Listing Qualifications Department shall issue a Staff Delisting Determination under Rule 5810 with respect to that security.

(B) Market Makers

A failure to meet the continued listing requirement for a number of Market Makers shall be determined to exist only if the deficiency continues for a period of 10 consecutive business days. Upon such failure, the Company shall be notified promptly and shall have a period of 30 calendar days from such notification to achieve compliance. Compliance can be achieved by meeting the applicable standard for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days during the 30 day compliance period.

(C) Market Value of Listed Securities

A failure to meet the continued listing requirements for Market Value of Listed Securities shall be determined to exist only if the deficiency continues for a period of 30 consecutive business days. Upon such failure, the Company shall be notified promptly and shall have a period of 180 calendar days from such notification to achieve compliance. Compliance can be achieved by meeting the applicable standard for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days during the 180 day compliance period, unless Staff exercises its discretion to extend this 10 day period as discussed in Rule 5810(c)(3)(H).

(D) Market Value of Publicly Held Shares

A failure to meet the continued listing requirement for Market Value of Publicly Held Shares shall be determined to exist only if the deficiency continues for a period of 30 consecutive business days. Upon such failure, the Company shall be notified promptly and shall have a period of 180 calendar days from such notification to achieve compliance. Compliance can be achieved by meeting the applicable standard for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days during the 180 day compliance period, unless Staff exercises its discretion to extend this 10 day period as discussed in Rule 5810(c)(3)(H).

(E) Independent Director, Audit, and Compensation Committee Rules

If a Company fails to meet the majority board independence requirement in Rule 5605(b)(1) due to one vacancy, or because one director ceases to be independent for reasons beyond his/her reasonable control, the Listing Qualifications Department will promptly notify the Company and inform it has until the earlier of its next annual shareholders meeting or one year from the event that caused the deficiency to cure the deficiency. However, if the Company's next annual shareholders' meeting is held sooner than 180 days after the event that caused the deficiency, then the Company has 180 days from the event that caused the deficiency to cure it.

If a Company fails to meet the audit committee composition requirements in Rule 5605(c)(2) because an audit committee member ceases to be independent for reasons outside his/her control, the Listing Qualifications Department will promptly notify the Company and inform it has until the earlier of its next annual shareholders meeting or one year from the occurrence of the event that caused the failure, to cure the deficiency. If the Company fails to meet the audit committee composition requirement due to one vacancy on the audit committee, and the Company is not relying upon a cure period for another member, the Listing Qualifications Department will promptly notify the Company and inform it that it has until the earlier of its next annual shareholders meeting or one year from the event that caused the failure to cure the deficiency. However, if the Company's next annual shareholders' meeting is held sooner than 180 days after the event that caused the deficiency, then the Company has 180 days from the event that caused the deficiency to cure it.

If a Company fails to meet the compensation committee composition requirement under Rule 5605(d)(2)(A) due to one vacancy, or one compensation committee member ceases to be independent due to circumstances beyond the member's reasonable control, the Listing Qualifications Department will promptly notify the Company and inform it has until the earlier of its next annual shareholders meeting or one year from the occurrence of the event that caused the failure to comply with this requirement to cure the deficiency. However, if the Company's next annual shareholders' meeting is held sooner than 180 days after the event that caused the deficiency, then the Company has 180 days from the event that caused the deficiency to cure it.

A Company is not eligible for this cure period immediately following the expiration of a phase-in period the Company relied on under Rule 5615(b) upon which the Company was relying, except as provided for in Rules 5605(b)(1)(B) and 5605(c)(4)(C) and 5605(d)(4)(B). If a Company is not eligible for this cure period, the Listing Qualifications Department will issue a Staff Delisting Determination letter to delist the Company's securities.

(F) Diverse Board Representation Rule
If a Company, that is not relying on the grace period set forth in Rule 5605(f)(6)(B), (i) does not meet the applicable diversity objectives as set forth under Rule 5605(f)(2) and fails to provide the disclosure required by Rule 5605(f)(3), or (ii) fails to hold an annual meeting of shareholders during the applicable periods in Rule 5605(f)(5) or (7) and therefore fails to meet, or explain why it does not meet, the diversity objectives of Rule 5605(f)(2), the Company shall be notified promptly and shall have until the later of its next annual shareholders meeting or 180 days from the event that caused the deficiency to cure the deficiency.

(G) Market Value/Principal Amount Outstanding of Non-Convertible Bonds

A failure to meet the continued listing requirement for non-convertible bonds, as set forth in Rule 5702(b)(1) (requiring non-convertible bonds to have at least $400,000 in market value or principal amount outstanding) shall be determined to exist only if the deficiency continues for a period of 30 consecutive business days. Upon such failure, the Company shall be notified promptly and shall have a period of 180 calendar days from such notification to achieve compliance. Compliance can be achieved during this 180 calendar day compliance period by meeting the applicable standard for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days during the applicable compliance period, unless Staff exercises its discretion to extend this 10 day period as discussed in Rule 5810(c)(3)(H).

(H) Staff Discretion Relating to the Price-based Requirements

If a Company fails to meet the Market Value of Listed Securities, Market Value of Publicly Held Shares, Bid Price, or Market Value/Principal Amount Outstanding requirements, each of which is related to the Company's security price and collectively called the "Price-based Requirements," compliance is generally achieved by meeting the requirement for a minimum of ten consecutive business days. However, Staff may, in its discretion, require a Company to satisfy the applicable Price-based Requirement for a period in excess of ten consecutive business days, but generally no more than 20 consecutive business days, before determining that the Company has demonstrated an ability to maintain long-term compliance. In determining whether to require a Company to meet the applicable Price-based-requirement beyond ten business days, Staff may consider all relevant facts and circumstances, including without limitation:

(i) the margin of compliance (the amount by which a Company exceeds the applicable Price-based Requirement);

(ii) the trading volume (a lack of trading volume may indicate a lack of bona fide market interest in the security at the posted bid price);

(iii) the Market Maker montage (the number of Market Makers quoting at or above $1.00 or the minimum price necessary to satisfy another Price-based Requirement; and the size of their quotes); and

(iv) the trend of the security price (is it up or down).

(4) Public Reprimand Letter

Staff's notification may be in the form of a Public Reprimand Letter in cases where the Company has violated a Nasdaq corporate governance or notification listing standard (other than one required by Rule 10A-3 or Rule 10D-1 under the Act) and Staff determines that delisting is an inappropriate sanction. In determining whether to issue a public reprimand letter, the Listing Qualifications Department will consider whether the violation was inadvertent, whether the violation materially adversely affected shareholders' interests, whether the violation has been cured, whether the Company reasonably relied on an independent advisor and whether the Company has demonstrated a pattern of violations.

(d) Additional Deficiencies

The Listing Qualifications Department continues to evaluate the compliance of Companies while they are under review by Adjudicatory Bodies and may identify additional deficiencies. Upon identification of an additional deficiency, Staff will issue an additional notification of deficiency to the Company and send a copy to the appropriate Adjudicatory Body.

(1) Staff's notification of the additional deficiency will conform to the requirements set forth in Rule 5810(a) if:

(A) the matter under review by an Adjudicatory Body is a Public Reprimand Letter; or

(B) the additional deficiency identified is one that has an automatic cure or compliance period.

(2) If the additional deficiency is one that would in the normal course result in immediate suspension and delisting, or one for which the Company may submit a compliance plan to Staff for review, Staff's notification will instruct the Company to address the issue to the Hearings Panel at its hearing, unless the hearing for the original deficiency has already taken place. If the hearing has already taken place, Staff's notification will instruct the Company to provide in writing, within a specified time period, a submission that addresses the deficiency to the Adjudicatory Body before which its matter is pending.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended June 16, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-052); amended Jan. 29, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-077); amended Mar. 15, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-006); amended Mar. 26, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-041); amended Oct. 14, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-107); amended Dec. 3, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-118); amended Sep. 26, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-128), operative Oct. 26, 2013; amended Oct. 2, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-130); amended Nov. 7, 2014 (SR-NASDAQ-2014-087), operative Jan. 1, 2015; amended Feb. 12, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-144); amended July 1, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-013), operative Aug 1, 2016; amended Jan. 12, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2016-135), operative Jan. 1, 2018; amended May 3, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-040), operative January 1, 2018; amended June 8, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-058), operative July 8, 2017; amended Sep. 27, 2017 (SR-NASDAQ-2017-101); amended May 30, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-041); amended Aug. 3, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-059), operative Sept. 3, 2018; amended Nov. 13, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-070); amended Nov. 13, 2018 (SR-NASDAQ-2018-092); amended Apr. 16, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-021); amended Apr. 21, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-001); amended May 1, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-024); amended Aug. 6, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-081); amended November 12, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-092); amended Oct. 2, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-005); amended Jul. 8, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-038), operative Aug. 7, 2024; amended Aug. 26, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-019); amended Oct. 7, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-029).

5815. Review of Staff Determinations by Hearings Panel

When a Company receives a Staff Delisting Determination or a Public Reprimand Letter issued by the Listing Qualifications Department, or when its application for initial listing is denied, it may request in writing that the Hearings Panel review the matter in a written or an oral hearing. This section sets forth the procedures for requesting a hearing before a Hearings Panel, describes the Hearings Panel and the possible outcomes of a hearing, and sets forth Hearings Panel procedures.

(a) Procedures for Requesting and Preparing for a Hearing

(1) Timely Request Stays Delisting

(A) A Company may, within seven calendar days of the date of the Staff Delisting Determination notification, Public Reprimand Letter, or written denial of a listing application, request a written or oral hearing before a Hearings Panel to review the Staff Delisting Determination, Public Reprimand Letter, or written denial of a listing application. Requests for hearings should be submitted in writing to the Hearings Department.

(B) Subject to the following limitations, a timely request for a hearing shall ordinarily stay the suspension and delisting action pending the issuance of a written Panel Decision.

(i) If the Staff Delisting Determination relates to deficiencies from the standards of Rule 5250(c)(1) or (2), which require a Company to timely file its periodic reports with the Commission, the delisting action will only be stayed for 15 calendar days from the deadline to request a hearing unless the Company specifically requests and the Hearings Panel grants a further stay. A request for a further stay must include an explanation of why such a stay would be appropriate and should be included in the Company's request for a hearing. Based on that submission and any recommendation provided by Staff, the Hearings Panel will determine whether to grant the Company a further stay. In determining whether to grant the stay, the Hearings Panel will consider the Company's specific circumstances, including the likelihood that the filing can be made within any exception period that could subsequently be granted, the Company's past compliance history, the reasons for the late filing, corporate events that may occur within the exception period, the Company's general financial status, and the Company's disclosures to the market. The Hearings Panel will notify the Company of its conclusion as soon as is practicable, but in no event more than 15 calendar days following the deadline to request the hearing. In the event the Hearings Panel determines not to grant the Company a stay, the Company's securities will be immediately suspended and will remain suspended unless the Panel Decision issued after the hearing determines to reinstate the securities.

(ii) A timely request for a hearing will not stay the suspension of the securities from trading pending the issuance of a written Panel Decision when the Staff Delisting Determination is related to one of the following deficiencies:

a. A Company whose application for initial listing has not been approved prior to consummation of a transaction whereby the Company combines with a non-Nasdaq entity, resulting in a change of control of the Company and potentially allowing the non-Nasdaq entity to obtain a Nasdaq Listing, as described in Nasdaq Rule 5110(a);

b. A Company that has filed for protection under any provision of the federal bankruptcy laws, or comparable foreign laws, or that has announced that liquidation has been authorized by its board of directors and that it is committed to proceed, as described in Nasdaq Rule 5110(b); or

c. 1. In the case of a Staff Delisting Determination letter issued before October 7, 2024, a Company whose business plan is to complete one or more acquisitions, as described in Rule IM-5101-2, which qualified for listing pursuant to the alternative initial listing requirements in Rule 5406, that fails to meet (i) the continued listing requirement in Rule 5452(a)(1); or (ii) the requirements for initial listing immediately following a business combination as required by Rule IM-5101-2.

c. 2. In the case of a Staff Delisting Determination letter issued on or after October 7, 2024, a Company whose business plan is to complete one or more acquisitions, as described in Rule IM-5101-2, which fails to meet (i) the continued listing requirement in Rules 5452(a)(1) and (3), for companies that listed pursuant to the alternative initial listing requirements in Rule 5406; (ii) the requirement set forth in Rule IM-5101-2(b) to complete one or more business combinations within 36 months of the effectiveness of its IPO registration statement; or (iii) the requirements for initial listing immediately following a business combination as required by Rule IM-5101-2.

In each case, the Company's securities will be immediately suspended and will remain suspended unless the Panel Decision issued after the hearing determines to reinstate the securities.

(2) Failure to Request Results in Immediate Delisting

If a Company fails to request in writing a hearing within seven calendar days, it waives its right to request review of a Delisting Determination, Public Reprimand Letter, or written denial of an initial listing application. In the case of a Company's failure to timely request a hearing to review a Delisting Determination, the Hearings Department will take action to suspend trading of the securities and follow procedures to delist the securities.

(3) Fees

Within 7 calendar days of the date of the Staff Delisting Determination, Public Reprimand Letter, or written denial of an initial listing application, the Company must submit a hearing fee of $20,000. However, if the Staff Delisting Determination, Public Reprimand Letter, or written denial of an initial listing application is dated on or before March 1, 2024, the Company must submit the hearing fee within 15 calendar days of the date of the Staff Delisting Determination, Public Reprimand Letter, or written denial of an initial listing application.

(4) Scheduling of Hearings

The Hearings Department will schedule hearings to take place, to the extent practicable, within 45 days of the request for a hearing, at a location determined by the Hearings Department. The Hearings Department will send written acknowledgment of the Company's hearing request and inform the Company of the date, time, and location of the hearing, and deadlines for written submissions to the Hearings Panel. The Company will be provided at least ten calendar days notice of the hearing unless the Company waives such notice.

(5) Submissions from Company

The Company must provide a written submission to the Hearings Department, to which Staff may respond in writing, stating with specificity the grounds on which the Company is seeking review of the Staff Delisting Determination notification, Public Reprimand Letter, or written denial of a listing application in accordance with subsection (a)(1) of this Rule (“Written Submission”).  The Company must include in the Written Submission all legal arguments on which it intends to rely.  As appropriate, the Company’s Written Submission may include a written plan of compliance and request that the Hearings Panel grant an exception to the listing standards for a limited time period, as permitted by Rule 5815(c)(1)(A) or may set forth specific grounds for the Company's contention that the issuance of a Staff Delisting Determination, Public Reprimand Letter, or denial of a listing application, was in error, and may also submit public documents or other written material in support of its position, including any information not available at the time of the Staff Determination.   The Company may supplement the Written Submission by providing a written update to the Hearings Department (“Written Update”) no later than two business days in advance of the hearing.  The Written Update may not include any legal argument not raised by the Company with specificity in the Written Submission.  The Hearings Panel will review the written record, as described in Rule 5840(a), before the hearing.

(6) Presentation at Hearing

At an oral hearing, the Company may make such presentation as it deems appropriate, including the appearance by its officers, directors, accountants, counsel, investment bankers, or other persons, and the Hearings Panel may question any representative appearing at the hearing.  The Company will not be permitted to introduce any legal argument not raised by the Company with specificity in the Written Submission required by subsection (a)(5) of this Rule.  Absent solicitation from the Hearings Panel, the Company will not be permitted to introduce any material information that was not raised by the Company with specificity in the Written Submission or Written Update provided for by subsection (a)(5) of this Rule, unless the Company shows either that the material information did not exist at the time the Company was permitted to submit a Written Update or the Company shows that exceptional or unusual circumstances exist that warrant consideration of the newly raised material information.  Exceptional or unusual circumstances would include, but are not necessarily limited to, material information that was not earlier discoverable by the Company despite all reasonable measures having been taken.  If the Hearings Panel determines either that the Company has shown that the material information did not exist at the time the Company was permitted to submit a Written Update or that the Company has shown exceptional or unusual circumstances exist that warrant consideration of the newly raised material information, then the Company will be permitted to introduce such information at the oral hearing.  Staff shall have up to three business days, or such shorter time as the Hearings Panel requests, following the oral hearing to respond in writing to the Company’s newly raised material information.  The Company may respond to the Staff’s submission only if the Hearings Panel requests it do so.  Hearings are generally scheduled to last one hour, but the Hearings Panel may extend the time. The Hearings Department will arrange for and keep on file a transcript of oral hearings.

(b) Composition of the Hearings Panel

Each Hearing is presided over by at least two Hearings Panel members, except as provided in Rule 5815(d)(3).

(c) Scope of the Hearings Panel's Discretion

(1) When the Hearings Panel review is of a deficiency related to continued listing standards, the Hearings Panel may, where it deems appropriate:

(A) grant an exception to the continued listing standards for a period not to exceed 180 days from the date of the Staff Delisting Determination with respect to the deficiency for which the exception is granted;

(B) Reserved;

(C) suspend and delist the Company's securities;

(D) issue a Decision that serves as a Public Reprimand Letter in cases where the Company has violated a Nasdaq corporate governance or notification listing standard (other than one required by Rule 10A-3 or Rule 10D-1 under the Act) and the Hearings Panel determines that delisting is an inappropriate sanction. In determining whether to issue a Public Reprimand Letter, the Hearings Panel will consider whether the violation was inadvertent, whether the violation materially adversely affected shareholders' interests, whether the violation has been cured, whether the Company reasonably relied on an independent advisor and whether the Company has demonstrated a pattern of violations;

(E) find the Company in compliance with all applicable listing standards; or

(F) In the case of a Company that fails to file a periodic report (e.g., Form 10-K, 10-Q, 20-F, 40-F, or N-CSR), the Hearings Panel may grant an exception for a period not to exceed 360 days from the due date of the first such late periodic report. The Company can regain compliance with the requirement by filing that periodic report and any other delinquent reports with due dates falling before the end of the exception period. In determining whether to grant an exception, and the length of any such exception, the Hearings Panel will consider the Company's specific circumstances, including the likelihood that the filing can be made within the exception period, the Company's past compliance history, the reasons for the late filing, corporate events that may occur within the exception period, the Company's general financial status, and the Company's disclosures to the market. This review will be based on information provided by a variety of sources, which may include the Company, its audit committee, its outside auditors, the staff of the SEC and any other regulatory body.

(G) In the case of a Company that fails to hold an annual meeting, the Hearings Panel may grant an exception for a period not to exceed 360 days from the deadline to hold the annual meeting (one year after the end of the Company's fiscal year).

(H) In the case of a Company whose business plan is to complete one or more acquisitions, as described in Rule IM-5101-2, where the Staff Delisting Determination letter issued on or after October 7, 2024, is based on a failure to satisfy (i) the requirement set forth in Rule IM-5101-2(b) and Rule 5452(a)(3) to complete one or more business combinations within 36 months of the effectiveness of its IPO registration statement; or (ii) the requirements for initial listing immediately following a business combination as required by Rule IM-5101-2, only reverse a delisting decision where the Panel determines that the Staff Delisting Determination letter was in error and that the Company never failed to satisfy the requirement.  In such cases, the Panel may not consider facts indicating that the Company had regained compliance under Rule 5815(c)(1)(E), nor may the Panel grant an exception under Rule 5815(c)(1)(A) allowing the Company additional time to regain compliance.

(2) When the Hearings Panel's review is of a Staff denial of an initial listing application, the Hearings Panel may, where it deems appropriate:

(A) affirm Staff's denial of the application;

(B) conditionally approve initial listing subject to an exception to the listing standards not to exceed 180 calendar days from the date of the Staff Delisting Determination with respect to the deficiency for which the exception is granted; or

(C) approve initial listing on a finding that the Company meets all initial listing requirements

(3) A Hearings Panel may consider any failure to meet any quantitative or qualitative standard for initial or continued listing, including failures previously not considered by Staff. The Company will be given written notice of such consideration and an opportunity to respond.

(4) Under the authority described in the Rule 5100 Series, the Hearings Panel may subject the Company to additional or more stringent criteria for the initial or continued listing of particular securities based on any event, condition, or circumstance that exists or occurs that makes initial or continued listing of the securities inadvisable or unwarranted in its opinion, even though the securities meet all enumerated criteria for initial or continued listing on Nasdaq.

(d) Hearings Panel Procedures

(1) Panel Decision

After the hearing, the Hearings Department, on behalf of the Hearings Panel, will issue a Panel Decision that meets the requirements of Rule 5840(c) and has been approved by each member of the Hearings Panel. The Panel Decision shall be promptly provided to the Company, and is effective immediately upon issuance, unless it specifies to the contrary. The Panel Decision will provide notice that the Company may appeal the Panel Decision to the Listing Council within 15 calendar days of the date of the Decision and that the Decision may be called for review by the Listing Council within 45 calendar days from the date of the Decision.

(2) Form 25 Notification of Delisting

If the Panel issues a Decision to delist the Company's securities, the Hearings Department will immediately take action to suspend trading of the securities, unless the Decision specifies to the contrary. If the Company does not appeal a Decision to delist and the Listing Council does not call the matter for review, or withdraws its call for review, Nasdaq will follow the procedures described in Rule 5830 to submit an application on Form 25 to the SEC to strike the security from listing.

(3) Hearings Panel Deadlock

If, following the hearing, the Hearings Panel cannot reach a unanimous decision, the Hearings Department will notify the Company of this circumstance. The Company will be provided an additional hearing before a Hearings Panel composed of three members who did not participate in the previous hearing. The Company may decide whether the hearing will be written or oral, in person or by telephone. The Company may submit any documents or other written material in support of its request for review, including information not available at the time of the initial hearing. There will be no fee for the new hearing. After review by a Hearings Panel convened pursuant to this paragraph, the Hearings Department on behalf of the Hearings Panel will issue a Decision that meets the requirements of Rule 5840(c) and that has been approved by at least a majority of the Hearings Panel.

(4) Procedures Applicable for Recurring Deficiencies

(A) Discretionary Hearings Panel Monitor

A Hearings Panel may, after a Company regains compliance with all applicable listing standards, monitor the Company's continued compliance for up to one year after the compliance date, if the Hearings Panel concludes that there is a likelihood that the issuer will fail to maintain compliance with one or more listing standards during that period. If the Hearings Panel or the Listing Qualifications Department determines that a Company under a Hearings Panel Monitor, under this subsection (A), fails any listing standard during the one-year monitoring period, then, notwithstanding Rule 5810(c)(2), the Company will not be permitted to provide the Listing Qualifications Department with a plan of compliance with respect to any deficiency that arises during the one-year monitoring period, and the Listing Qualifications Department will not be permitted to grant additional time for the Company to regain compliance with respect to any deficiency, nor will the company be afforded an applicable cure or compliance period pursuant to Rule 5810(c)(3). Rather, the Listing Qualifications Department will promptly issue a Staff Delisting Determination.

(B) Mandatory Hearings Panel Monitor

In the case of a Company that has regained compliance with the listing standards where the company was granted an exception by the Hearing Panel for failure to maintain certain levels of stockholders' equity, to timely file periodic reports, or with the bid price requirement where the company was ineligible for a compliance period under Rule 5810(c)(3)(A)(iii) or (iv), after having been granted an exception to these continued listing standards by the Hearings Panel, the Hearings Panel will impose a Hearings Panel Monitor for a period of one year from the date the company regains compliance. If, within that one year monitoring period the Listing Qualifications Department finds the Company again out of compliance with the requirement that was the subject of the exception, then, notwithstanding Rule 5810(c)(2), the Company will not be permitted to provide the Listings Qualifications Department with a plan of compliance with respect to that deficiency and the Listings Qualifications Department will not be permitted to grant additional time for the Company to regain compliance with respect to that deficiency, nor will the company be afforded an applicable cure or compliance period pursuant to Rule 5810(c)(3). Rather, the Listing Qualifications Department will promptly issue a Staff Delisting Determination.

(C) Panel Monitor Procedures

If a Company receives a Staff Delisting Determination during a one-year Hearings Panel Monitor under paragraph (d)(4)(A) or (B) of this Rule, the Company may request review by a Hearings Panel. Unless indicated otherwise in this subparagraph (C), the hearing will be conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined in Rule 5815. Upon such a request, the Hearings Department will promptly schedule a new hearing, with the initial Hearings Panel or a newly convened Hearings Panel if the initial Hearings Panel is unavailable. The hearing may be oral or written, at the Company's election. The Hearings Panel will consider the Company's compliance history when rendering its Decision. If the Company does not request review of the Staff Delisting Determination then the Company's securities will be suspended as described in the Staff Delisting Determination.

(5) Request for Hearings Panel Reconsideration

A Company may request, in writing, that the Hearings Panel reconsider a Panel Decision only upon the basis that a mistake of material fact existed at the time of the Panel Decision. The Company's request for reconsideration shall be made within seven calendar days of the date of issuance of the Panel Decision. A Company's request for reconsideration will not stay a delisting determination or suspension of trading of the Company's securities, unless the Hearings Panel, before the scheduled date for suspension, issues a written determination staying the suspension and/or reversing the determination to delist. A Company's request for reconsideration will not extend the time for the Company to initiate the Listing Council's review of the Panel Decision.

If the Hearings Panel grants a Company's reconsideration request, it will issue a modified Decision meeting the requirements of Rule 5840(c) within 15 calendar days of the date of the original Panel Decision, or lose jurisdiction over the matter. If the Listing Council calls a Panel Decision for review on the same issue that the Company has requested reconsideration by the Hearings Panel, the Listing Council may assert jurisdiction over the initial Panel Decision or permit the Hearings Panel to proceed with the reconsideration and issue a new Decision.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended June 16, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-052); amended Jan. 2, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-004); amended Jan. 25, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-017); amended Feb. 12, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-144); amended March 16, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2019-089); amended Apr. 21, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-001); amended May 1, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-024); amended Oct. 15, 2020 (SR-NASDAQ-2020-002); amended November 12, 2021 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-092); amended Mar. 17, 2022 (SR-NASDAQ-2021-099); amended Feb. 10, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-004); amended Oct. 2, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-005); amended Jan. 30, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-004), operative Mar. 1, 2024; amended Jul. 8, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-038), operative Aug. 7, 2024.

5820. Appeal to the Nasdaq Listing and Hearing Review Council

A Company may appeal a Panel Decision to the Listing Council. The Listing Council may also call for review a Panel Decision on its own initiative. This Rule 5820 describes the procedures applicable to appeals and calls for review.

(a) Procedure for Requesting Appeal

A Company may appeal any Panel Decision to the Listing Council by submitting a written request for appeal and a fee of $15,000 to the Nasdaq Office of Appeals and Review within 15 calendar days of the date of the Panel Decision. An appeal will not operate as a stay of the Panel Decision. Upon receipt of the appeal request and the applicable fee, the Nasdaq Office of Appeals and Review will acknowledge the Company's request and provide deadlines for the Company to provide written submissions.

(b) Procedures for Initiating Call for Review

The Listing Council may also call for review any Panel Decision upon the request of one or more members of the Listing Council within 45 calendar days of the date of the Panel Decision. The Office of Appeals and Review will promptly inform the Company of the reasons for the review and provide a deadline for written submissions. A call for review by the Listing Council will not operate as a stay of the Panel Decision, unless the call for review specifies to the contrary. The Listing Council may withdraw the call for review of a Panel Decision at any time.

(c) Composition of Listing Council

The Listing Council is a committee appointed by the Nasdaq Board of Directors pursuant to the Nasdaq By-Laws whose responsibilities include the review of Panel Decisions by a Hearings Panel.

(d) Scope of Listing Council's Discretion

(1) The Listing Council may, where it deems appropriate, affirm, modify, or reverse the Panel Decision, or remand the matter to the Listing Qualifications Department or to the Hearings Panel for further consideration. The Listing Council may grant an exception for a period not longer than 360 calendar days from the date of the Staff Delisting Determination with respect to the deficiency for which the exception is granted. The Listing Council also may issue a Decision that serves as a Public Reprimand Letter in cases where the Company has violated a Nasdaq corporate governance or notification listing standard (other than one required by Rule 10A-3 or Rule 10D-1 under the Act) and the Listing Council determines that delisting is an inappropriate sanction. In determining whether to issue a Public Reprimand Letter, the Listing Council will consider whether the violation was inadvertent, whether the violation materially adversely affected shareholders' interests, whether the violation has been cured, whether the Company reasonably relied on an independent advisor and whether the Company has demonstrated a pattern of violations.

(2) The Listing Council may consider any failure to meet any quantitative standard or qualitative consideration for initial or continued listing, including failures previously not considered by the Hearings Panel. The Listing Council may also consider any action taken by a Company during the review process that would have constituted a violation of Nasdaq's corporate governance requirements had the Company's securities been trading on Nasdaq at the time. The Company will be afforded written notice of such consideration and an opportunity to respond.

(3) Under the authority described in the Rule 5100 Series, the Listing Council may subject the Company to additional or more stringent criteria for the initial or continued listing of particular securities based on any event, condition, or circumstance that exists or occurs that makes initial or continued listing of the securities inadvisable or unwarranted in its opinion, even though the securities meet all enumerated criteria for initial or continued listing on Nasdaq.

(4) In the case of a Company that fails to file a periodic report (e.g., Form 10-K, 10-Q, 20-F, 40-F, or N-CSR), the Listing Council may grant an exception for a period not to exceed 360 days from the due date of the first such late periodic report. The Company can regain compliance with the requirement by filing that periodic report and any other delinquent reports with due dates falling before the end of the exception period. In determining whether to grant an exception, and the length of any such exception, the Listing Council will consider the Company's specific circumstances, including the likelihood that the filing can be made within the exception period, the Company's past compliance history, the reasons for the late filing, corporate events that may occur within the exception period, the Company's general financial status, and the Company's disclosures to the market. This review will be based on information provided by a variety of sources, which may include the Company, its audit committee, its outside auditors, the staff of the SEC and any other regulatory body.

(5) In the case of a Company that fails to hold an annual meeting, the Listing Council may grant an exception for a period not to exceed 360 days from the deadline to hold the annual meeting (one year after the end of the Company's fiscal year).

(6) The Listing Council may also recommend that the Nasdaq Board consider the matter.

(e) Listing Council Review Process

(1) Review Generally on Written Record

For each matter before the Listing Council, whether on appeal for call for review, a subcommittee consisting of at least two members of the Listing Council will review the written record, as described in Rule 5840(a). Members of the Listing Council who are not on a subcommittee will be provided with a written summary of the record prepared by an Advisor, and may, but will not be required to, review the written record. The Listing Council shall consider the written record and, at its discretion, may request additional written materials and/or hold additional hearings. If an oral hearing is scheduled, it will take place, to the extent practicable, within 45 days of the date the appeal was submitted or the call for review was initiated.

(2) Record of Proceedings Maintained

A record of the documents considered by the Listing Council will be kept by the Nasdaq Office of Appeals and Review.

(3) Written Decision Issued

A written Listing Council Decision meeting the requirements of Rule 5840(c) will be issued after approval by at least a majority of the Listing Council. The Listing Council Decision will be promptly provided to the Company and will take immediate effect unless it specifies to the contrary. If the Listing Council determines to delist the Company, the securities of the Company will be immediately suspended, unless the Listing Council Decision specifies to the contrary.

(4) Reconsideration of a Listing Council Decision

A Company may request, in writing, that the Listing Council reconsider a Listing Council Decision only upon the basis that a mistake of material fact existed at the time of the Listing Council Decision. The Company's request must be made within seven calendar days of the date of the Listing Council Decision. A Company's request for reconsideration will not stay a Listing Council Decision unless the Listing Council issues a written determination staying the Decision. If the Listing Council grants a Company's reconsideration request, the Listing Council will issue a modified Decision meeting the requirements of Rule 5840(c) within 15 calendar days of the date of the original Listing Council Decision, or lose jurisdiction over the matter.

(5) Notice of Board Right to Call

The Listing Council Decision will provide notice that the Nasdaq Board may call the Listing Council Decision for review pursuant to provisions in Rule 5825.

(6) Form 25 Notification of Delisting

If the Listing Council determines to delist the Company and the Nasdaq Board does not call the matter for review or withdraws its call for review, Nasdaq will follow the procedures described in Rule 5830 to submit an application on Form 25 to the Securities and Exchange Commission to delist the security.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended Apr. 27, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-040); amended June 16, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-052); amended Jan. 2, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-004); amended Jan. 25, 2013 (SR-NASDAQ-2013-017); amended Feb. 12, 2016 (SR-NASDAQ-2015-144); amended Feb. 10, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-004); amended Oct. 2, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-005); amended Jan. 30, 2024 (SR-NASDAQ-2024-004), operative Mar. 1, 2024.

5825. Discretionary Review by Nasdaq Board

(a) Review at Discretion of Board

A Panel Decision, in a matter where the Hearings Panel has granted the maximum exception period and the Listing Council is precluded from granting additional time under Rules 5815(c)(1)(F) and 5820(d)(4), or a Listing Council Decision may be called for review by the Board of Directors of Nasdaq (the "Nasdaq Board") solely upon the request of one or more Board members not later than the next Nasdaq Board meeting that is 15 calendar days or more following the date of the Panel or Listing Council Decision. This review will be undertaken solely at the discretion of the Nasdaq Board and will not operate as a stay of the Panel or Listing Council Decision, unless the Board's call for review specifies to the contrary. At the sole discretion of the Nasdaq Board, it may withdraw its call for review of a Panel or Listing Council Decision at any time before issuance of a Decision.

(b) Scope of Discretion of Board

The Board may consider any failure to meet any quantitative standard or qualitative consideration for initial or continued listing, including failures previously not considered by the Listing Council. It may also consider any action taken by a Company during the review process that would have constituted a violation of Nasdaq's corporate governance requirements had the Company's securities been trading on Nasdaq at the time. The Company will be afforded written notice of such consideration and an opportunity to respond. Pursuant to the Rule 5100 Series, the Board may subject the Company to additional or more stringent criteria for the initial or continued listing of particular securities based on any event, condition, or circumstance that exists or occurs that makes initial or continued listing of the securities inadvisable or unwarranted in its opinion, even though the securities meet all enumerated criteria for initial or continued listing on Nasdaq.

(c) Review on Written Record

If the Nasdaq Board conducts a discretionary review, the review generally will be based on the written record considered by the Hearings Panel or Listing Council. However, the Nasdaq Board may, at its discretion, request and consider additional information from the Company and/or from Staff. If the Board considers additional information, a record of the documents reviewed by the Nasdaq Board will be kept by the Nasdaq Office of Appeals and Review.

(d) Board Decision

If the Nasdaq Board conducts a discretionary review, the Company will be provided a written Decision that meets the requirements of Rule 5840(c). The Nasdaq Board may affirm, modify or reverse the Panel or Listing Council Decision and may remand the matter to the Listing Council, Hearings Panel, or staff of the Listing Qualifications Department with appropriate instructions. The Nasdaq Board also may issue a Decision that serves as a Public Reprimand Letter in cases where the Company has violated a Nasdaq corporate governance or notification listing standard (other than one required by Rule 10A-3 or Rule 10D-1 under the Act) and the Nasdaq Board determines that delisting is an inappropriate sanction. In determining whether to issue a Public Reprimand Letter, the Nasdaq Board will consider whether the violation was inadvertent, whether the violation materially adversely affected shareholders' interests, whether the violation has been cured, whether the Company reasonably relied on an independent advisor and whether the Company has demonstrated a pattern of violations. The Decision of the Nasdaq Board will take immediate effect, unless it specifies to the contrary, and represents the final action of Nasdaq. If the Nasdaq Board determines to delist the Company, the securities of the Company will be immediately suspended, unless the Nasdaq Board specifies to the contrary, and Nasdaq will follow the procedures contained in Rule 5830 and submit an application on Form 25 to the Commission to strike the security from listing.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended by SR-NASDAQ-2009-052 eff. June 16, 2009; amended Oct. 2, 2023 (SR-NASDAQ-2023-005).

5830. Finality of Delisting Determination

When Nasdaq has made a final determination to delist a Company's securities, it will follow procedures consistent with the Act to strike the security from listing. Nasdaq's determination to delist a Company's securities is final when, after a Delisting Determination has been issued, all available review and appeal procedures and periods available under these Rules have expired.

Nasdaq will issue a press release and post a notice on its website announcing its final determination to remove a security from listing, consistent with Rule 12d2-2 under the Act. Under Rule 12d2-2, Nasdaq must disseminate this public notice not less than 10 days before the delisting becomes effective and maintain the website notice until the delisting is effective. Following the public notification, Nasdaq will file an application on Form 25 with the Commission to delist the security, and will promptly provide a copy of that Form 25 to the Company. The delisting of the security becomes effective 10 days after the Form 25 is filed pursuant to Rule 12d2-2(d)(1) under the Act, unless the Commission postpones the delisting pursuant to Rule 12d2-2(d)(3).

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018).

5835. Rules Applicable to Adjudicators and Advisors

(a) Ex Parte Communications

(1) No Ex parte Communications

No member of the staff of the Listing Qualifications Department or its counsel, and no Company representative will make or knowingly cause to be made an ex parte communication relevant to the merits of a proceeding under this Section to an Adjudicator or any Advisor.

Similarly, no Adjudicator who is participating in a Decision with respect to a proceeding under this Section, and no Advisor with respect to such a proceeding, will make or knowingly cause to be made an ex parte communication relevant to the merits of that proceeding to a Company representative, a member of the staff of the Listing Qualifications Department or its counsel.

(2) An Adjudicator or Advisor who is participating in or advising with respect to a proceeding who receives, makes, or knowingly causes to be made an ex parte communication relevant to the merits of a proceeding will place a copy of it, or its substance if it is an oral communication, in the record of the proceeding. Staff of the Listing Qualifications Department or the Company, as applicable, will be permitted to respond to the ex parte communication, and any response will be placed in the record of the proceeding.

(b) No Communications Between Adjudicatory Bodies

(1) Members of a Hearings Panel and their Advisors who are participating in a proceeding under this Section are prohibited from making communications relevant to the merits of such proceeding to members of the Listing Council or the Nasdaq Board or their respective Advisors.

(2) Members of the Listing Council and their Advisors are prohibited from making communications relevant to the merits of a proceeding under this Rule 5800 Series to members of a Hearings Panel who are participating in such proceeding or their Advisors, or members of the Nasdaq Board or their Advisors.

(3) Members of the Nasdaq Board and their Advisors are prohibited from making communications relevant to the merits of a proceeding under this Rule 5800 Series to members of a Hearings Panel who are participating in such proceeding or their Advisors, or members of the Listing Council or their Advisors.

(4) An Adjudicator or Advisor who is participating in or advising with respect to a proceeding who receives, makes, or knowingly causes to be made a communication prohibited by paragraphs (1) - (3) above will place a copy of it, or its substance if it is an oral communication, in the record of the proceeding. Staff of the Listing Qualifications Department and the Company will be permitted to respond to the communication, and any such response will be placed in the record of the proceeding.

(c) Recusal or Disqualification

No person will serve as a member of a Hearings Panel, or participate as a member of the Listing Council, the Nasdaq Board, the staff of the Listing Qualifications Department or Advisor to an Adjudicator, in a matter as to which he or she has a conflict of interest or bias, or circumstances otherwise exist where his or her fairness might reasonably be questioned. In any such case, the person will recuse himself or herself, or will be disqualified.

(1) Exchange of Biographical Information

To facilitate the process for recusal and disqualification, at least five days before any proceeding under this Section, the Company will provide the Hearings Department or the Advisor to the Listing Council or the Nasdaq Board, as applicable, with names and biographical information of each person who will appear on behalf of the Company at the proceeding, and the Hearings Department or Advisor, as applicable, will provide the Company and the Staff with names and biographical information of the Adjudicators for the proceeding; provided, however, that with respect to proceedings before the Listing Council or the Nasdaq Board, the Advisor to the respective Adjudicatory Body may post names and biographical information of each Adjudicator on a publicly available website in lieu of providing them directly to the Company.

(2) Disqualification Procedures

A Company or the Staff of the Listing Qualifications Department may file a request to disqualify an Adjudicator. A request to disqualify will be based upon a reasonable, good faith belief that a conflict of interest or bias exists or circumstances otherwise exist where the Adjudicator's fairness might reasonably be questioned, and will be accompanied by a statement setting forth in detail the facts alleged to constitute grounds for disqualification, and the dates on which the party learned of those facts. A request to disqualify must be filed (A) not later than two business days after the party was provided with the name and biographical information of the Adjudicator, or (B) if the name and biographical information of the Adjudicator was posted on a website, not later than two business days after the Company requested Listing Council review or received notice of discretionary review by the Listing Council or the Nasdaq Board. A request for disqualification of an Adjudicator will be decided by the party with authority to order disqualification of such Adjudicator, as detailed below, who will promptly investigate whether disqualification is required and issue a written response to the request.

(A) Nasdaq Board

The Chair of the Nasdaq Board will have authority to order the disqualification of a Director, and a majority of the Nasdaq Board excluding the Chair of the Nasdaq Board will have authority to order the disqualification of the Chair.

(B) Listing Council

A Chair of the Listing Council will have authority to order the disqualification of a member of the Listing Council, and a majority of the Listing Council excluding any Chairs of the Listing Council will have authority to order the disqualification of a Chair of the Listing Council.

(C) Staff of Listing Qualifications Department; Panelist of Hearings Panel

The General Counsel of Nasdaq will have authority to order the disqualification of (i) a member of the staff of the Listing Qualifications Department reviewing the qualifications of a Company, (ii) a member of a Hearings Panel, or (iii) an Advisor to an Adjudicatory Body.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended by SR-NASDAQ-2009-052 eff. June 16, 2009.

5840. Adjudicatory Process: General Information

(a) Record on Review

At each level of a proceeding under this Section, the written record may consist of the following items, as applicable: correspondence between Nasdaq and the Company; the Company's public filings; information released to the public by the Company; written submissions, exhibits, or requests submitted by either the Company or the Listing Qualifications Department and responses thereto; and any additional information considered by the Adjudicatory Body as part of the review process. The written record will be supplemented by the transcript of any hearings held during the review process and all Decisions issued.

At each level of review under this Section, the Company will be informed of the contents of the written record. The Company will be provided a copy of any documents in the record that were not provided by the Company or are not publicly available, at least three calendar days before the deadline for Company submissions, unless the Company waives this production.

If additional issues arising under the Rule 5000 Series are considered, as permitted by the 5800 Series, the notice of such consideration and any response to such notice shall be made a part of the record.

(b) Additional Information Requested or Considered

At each level of a proceeding under this Section, the Adjudicatory Body, as part of its review:

(1) may request additional information from the Company or the Listing Qualifications Department; and

(2) may consider additional information available from other sources it deems relevant. The Company and the Listing Qualifications Department will be afforded written notice and an opportunity to address the significance of any information requested or considered, and the notice, responses to the notice, and the information considered will be made part of the record.

(c) Contents of Decisions

Each Adjudicatory Body's written Decision will include:

(1) a statement describing the procedural history of the proceeding, including investigations or reviews undertaken by the Listing Qualifications Department;

(2) the quantitative or qualitative standard that the Company is alleged to have failed to satisfy;

(3) a statement setting forth the findings of fact with respect to the Company;

(4) the conclusions of the Adjudicatory Body as to whether the Company has failed to satisfy the quantitative or qualitative standards for initial or continued listing; and

(5) a statement of the Adjudicatory Body in support of its disposition of the matter, and, if applicable, the rationale for any exception to the initial or continued listing requirements granted.

(d) Correction of Clerical Errors

The Hearings Panel and the Listing Council may correct clerical or other non-substantive errors in their respective Decisions either on their own motion or at the request of a Company. A copy of any such corrected Decision will be provided to the Company.

(e) Computation and Adjustment of Time

(1) Except as described in paragraph (2) below, in counting any time under this Section, the day of the act, event, or default from which the period of time begins to run, is not to be included. The last day of the period is included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, federal holiday, or Nasdaq holiday in which case the period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, federal holiday or Nasdaq holiday.

(2) When Staff determines whether a deficiency has occurred with respect to the Bid Price, Market Value of Listed Securities, or Market Value of Publicly Held Shares requirements, the first trading day that the Bid Price or Market Value is below required standards is included in computing the total number of consecutive trading days of default. Similarly, when Staff determines whether a Company has regained compliance with the Bid Price, Market Value of Listed Securities, or Market Value of Publicly Held Shares requirements, the first trading day that the Bid Price or Market Value is at or above required standards is included in computing the total number of consecutive trading days.

(3) If the Office of General Counsel determines that notice required to be provided under this Section was not properly given or that other extenuating circumstances exist, the Hearings Department may adjust the periods of time provided by the rules for the filing of written submissions, the scheduling of hearings, or the performance of other procedural actions by the Company or an Adjudicator, as applicable, to allow the Company or the Adjudicator the time contemplated by these rules.

(4) A Company may waive any notice period specified in this Section.

(f) Delivery of Documents

Delivery of any document under this Section may be made by electronic delivery, hand delivery, facsimile, regular mail or overnight courier. Delivery will be considered timely if the electronic delivery, hand delivery, fax, or overnight courier is received on or before the relevant deadline. If a Company has not specified a facsimile number, e-mail address, or street address, delivery will be made to the last known facsimile number, e-mail address, and street address. If a Company is represented by counsel or a representative, delivery may be made to the counsel or representative.

(g) Document Retention Procedures

Any document submitted to Nasdaq in connection with a proceeding under this Section will be retained in accordance with applicable record retention policies.

(h) Documentation of Decisions

The Listing Qualifications Department or the Advisor to an Adjudicatory Body, as applicable, shall document the date on which a Decision with respect to a Company is implemented.

(i) Re-Listing of a Company

A Company that has been the subject of a Decision by an Adjudicatory Body to delist such Company shall be required, prior to re-listing, to comply with the requirements for initial listing. A Company that has been suspended but that has not been the subject of such a Decision shall be required, prior to re-listing, to comply with requirements for continued listing.

(j) Voluntary Delisting

(1) A Company may voluntarily terminate its listing upon compliance with all requirements of Rule 12d2-2(c) under the Act. In part, Rule 12d2-2(c) requires that the Company may delist by filing an application on Form 25 with the Commission, provided that the Company: (i) complies with all applicable laws in effect in the state in which it is incorporated and with the applicable Nasdaq Rules; (ii) provides notice to Nasdaq no fewer than 10 days before the Company files the Form 25 with the Commission, including a statement of the material facts relating to the reasons for delisting; and (iii) contemporaneous with providing notice to Nasdaq, publishes notice of its intent to delist, along with its reasons therefore, via a press release and on its web site, it if has one. Any notice provided on the Company's web site pursuant to Rule 12d2-2(c) must remain available until the delisting has become effective. The Company must also provide a copy of the Form 25 to Nasdaq simultaneously with its filing with the Commission. Nasdaq will provide notice on its web site of the Company's intent to delist as required by Rule 12d2-2(c)(3).

(2) A Company that seeks to voluntarily delist a class of securities pursuant to Rule 5840(j)(1) that has received notice from Nasdaq, pursuant to the Rule 5800 Series or otherwise, that it fails to comply with one or more requirements for continued listing, or that is aware that it is below such continued listing requirements notwithstanding that it has not received such notice from Nasdaq, must disclose this fact (including the specific continued listing requirement that it is below) in: (i) its statement of all material facts relating to the reasons for withdrawal from listing provided to Nasdaq along with written notice of its determination to withdraw from listing required by Rule 12d2-2(c)(2)(ii) under the Act; and (ii) its press release and web site notice required by Rule 12d2-2(c)(2)(iii) under the Act.

(k) Disclosure of Public Reprimand Letter

A Company that receives an Adjudicatory Body Decision that serves as a Public Reprimand Letter must make a public announcement by filing a Form 8-K, where required by SEC rules, or by issuing a press release disclosing the receipt of the Decision, including the Rule(s) upon which the Decision was based. As described in Rule 5250(b)(1) and IM-5250-1, the Company must notify Nasdaq's MarketWatch Department about the announcement through the electronic disclosure submission system available at, except in emergency situations when notification may instead be provided by telephone or facsimile. If the public announcement is made during Nasdaq market hours, the Company must notify MarketWatch at least ten minutes prior to the announcement. If the public announcement is made outside of Nasdaq market hours, the Company must notify MarketWatch of the announcement prior to 6:50 a.m. ET. The Company should make the public announcement as promptly as possible but not more than four business days following receipt of the Decision.

(l) Disclosure by Nasdaq

In order to maintain the quality of and public confidence in its market and to protect investors and the public interest, Nasdaq may, at any level of a proceeding under this Rule 5800 Series, make a public announcement, including by press release, describing a notification, Public Reprimand Letter, Staff Delisting Determination, Adjudicatory Body Decision, or other event involving a Company's listing or trading on Nasdaq.

Adopted March 12, 2009 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-018); amended Jan. 29, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2009-077); amended Mar. 15, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-006); amended Mar. 26, 2010 (SR-NASDAQ-2010-041); amended Dec. 3, 2012 (SR-NASDAQ-2012-118).

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